Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Where Does Momentum Come From?

I am becoming anew…again. In the past I was always thrown by the smallest of changes. Change made me annoyed...then angry...then quiet and sullen. After the offending new thing became old, my psyche would relax, the irritation would dissolve and I would begin a forced march toward acceptance.

Now I am grounded. My grounding is rooted in a new Truth - that change is all there is and nothing is permanent. Change has become the safest way to go and must never be denied. For suffering lies in the denying. 

Now I remind myself to stay BIG. When Judgement is running the show I am not worthy, I doubt and I blame. And sometimes fear trickles out of me on to my life when I play small. I catch my self now because I am paying attention. I know I can operate from a boundless spirit. Here I feel free and am allowed unlimited self expression. And my imagination gets to play. This limitless place says YES to joy, YES to creativity and YES to all compassionate reponses.

I am feeling ready for this next iteration. Like leaping off a cliff the momentum seizing me makes me willing to try new things, see if they fit, see if I have wings. 

As it happens I am traveling soon with my sister. She is my best friend in this world, she is supporting me and helping me remove my cocoon. 

What am I becoming, I don't know. When will I be it, I'm not certain. All I know is I am on my way…happily declaring a shift that has been a long time coming.

Can you feel it too?

Tag You're It!

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