Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Energy Work

"Even after all this time, the Sun never says to the Earth,"You owe me." Look what happens with a love like that, it lights up the whole sky." ~ Hafiz


Can you feel it inside you? It is always there, usually very subtle, but always there. I am feeling great gobs of it right now because big changes are happening all around me! 

Tuning into your own energy has got to be a good thing. Awareness of any kind is a good thing, but energy awareness is really a good thing.  It is not your mind. It is you in a purer form. It is one of the most subtle forms of communication. It is a very real, deep, and wordless thing. I was never taught this. It was not an option growing up. But I know it now and it helps to guide me.

Energy has no words, but it communicates just the same. When I tune in, sit quiet and still, I am practicing the art of feeling the flow of energy. A natural river inside me, it connects me to energy all around me. The more I consciously make time to practice, do energy awareness work, the easier it becomes. 

I am not going to say what it means or how it works or why it is, or where it comes from. It has no words - remember! But I have found that because of my work - my energy awareness work - when I am not practicing, just living my daily life, I pick up quicker on things important to me because I am so much more closer to the surface of my authentic life. I love this accessibility! I trust it. It grounds me. It informs me…all without words. 

Energy has become a silent place inside me that feels like home. For this ever deepening awareness of my own inner compass I am so grateful.

Could you use an artisanal compass personally crafted by time, energy, and awareness? Isn't this work worth doing?

Tag. You're It.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Manifesting: A 1-2-3 Primer

"It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool – for love – for your dreams – for the adventure of being alive."

~Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Don't be trapped by what you see all around you. Be informed by it. Look all around you and you can see what your beliefs truly are. Look even closer and you can see what displeases you. This part may feel painful, but it is the first step. 

The contrast between what you see and what you want to experience is the cause of the pain. 

Now that you have become aware, you can make a new choice. You can decide how you wish to feel. You can choose your next experience consciously. This is the second step.

Once you commit to having a new experience manifest, you must use every tool you have to make manifest your new more soul satisfying life. This is the third step.

The Tools:
1) Your words are tools. Pay attention to what you say. What is your "I am" experience? Listen to yourself as you claim who you are. Recognize the old and create a new "I am" experience. Words are some of the most plastic and flexible tools we have. When you become more aware of the words you say, you can easily manipulate them as you like. This is the first lesson in manifestation.

2) Your thoughts are your tools. Pay attention to what you are thinking. You are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are almost as flexible as your words. When you recognize a thought that creates a low or negative vibration you are on your way to the second manifestation lesson. Become a witness to your own thoughts. Make an exchange, like clothes that don't fit any more. If your old thought does not match the new experience you wish to have, choose a new thought more in alignment.

3) Your commitment or intention is your tool. As you become increasingly aware of your words and your thoughts it will be your new responsibility to corral, brand and tame those words and thoughts that are out of alignment with your intentions and to change, create, and manifest words and thoughts that completely and holistically align with your new way of being.

None of this happens overnight, but if you are willing to do the work you will find the life you are currently living easily transforming into the life you choose to live.

One final note: You are working with feelings, vibrations, and experiences; NOT bank accounts, materials things like cars, or relationships. Leave those things for another time. This is all internal work. And by the way, when you do this internal work all those other things somehow organically change as well!

Are you ready for a change?

Tag. You're It!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Newly Minted Butterfly

"The people of this world are like the three butterflies in front of a candle's flame.

 The first one went closer and said, ' I know about love.' 

The second one touched the flame lightly with his wings and said, ' I know how love's fire can burn.'

The third one threw himself into the heart of the flame and was consumed. 

He alone knows what true love is." 


The yellow splashed monarch girl swirls back sideways then across and down and I wonder what it is like to be a newly minted butterfly? Seems she is both aimless and joyful as she flits past me on her first butterfly day of this almost springtime. Is she missing her multitude of caterpillar's feet bouncing on air trying out her new wings? I wonder if she still has her caterpillar eyes; if this is her maiden voyage out and about? 

What is it like to know so well how to slink, crawl and stick slowly forward from branch to leaf and have new 'fucking' wings to deal with at the same time? I know something of losing my footing. But I know little about finding out I have wings. 

How is it to awaken from a long cold dark night, unfurl your sails, and let the wind catch them and carry you away. That effortless first flight must feel so abnormal! Can a butterfly scream? Can she fly and see herself flying at the same time? 

I wonder what it is like to be a newly minted butterfly letting go of her past and floating on air? She doesn't eat the same things she used to eat either. Munching leaves seems to be impossible now. Is she worried she will starve to death right before she accidentally bumps into her very first flower, proboscis extended, having her first taste of nectar so sweet?

It must be a time of great confusion and amazing discovery all at once... I guess I do know a little about what it is like to find out I have wings. And, now that I think about it - yes I can fly and see myself flying at the same time. For this awareness I am grateful. It helps to carry me higher and farther than I have ever been before. And I scream a lot less now!

Have you ever experienced the awkwardness of finding out you've got wings?

Tag! You're It!