Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A Love Letter to Life

"Whatever satisfies the soul is truth." ~walt whitman 1819 -1892

As my sister goes off on an adventure to find and immerse herself in the new-to-her waters of the Mediterranean (thank god for spellcheck) I am content to stay close to home today, to listen hard to my soul's heart and to write this love letter to life.

Anything can become regular, even traipsing around France - when you do it long enough. Isn't that strange? It seems even an adventure collapses if you adventure all the time!

As I reflect on this Frenchy-French journey that is quickly coming to a close I am recognizing that among all the new and amazing things I have been a part of there is one constant, one thing that is neither new or old but always exciting. It is the Love I carry.

I carry with me always great Love for my sister who is my traveling companion. I carry new Love for the many friends I have made. And I carry with me constantly a Love of self which grounds and directs me.

These many Loves float me high above any situation. It is within the power of all these Loves combined I find confidence and joy to know all is well.

From within this Love I pay better attention to my own personal needs and find I am better able to recognize the needs of others. Winning for everyone is the prize from within this kind of Love.

And I am so grateful as I recognize - right now in this short moment - my soul's heart has become my own.

Where do you find love?

Tag You're It!

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