Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Proximity Always Wins!

Our attention naturally goes to what is nearest. I see, smell and touch the matter at hand. My vision is acclimatized by my experiences so I essentially choose what I see.

But the Imperceptibles, those higher vibrational energies like emotion and the eternal qualities of Love, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Illumination, Creativity... you get the picture... are organically back burner sort of items as they are more naturally felt not seen. It is almost a requirement that one deliberately chooses to pay attention to these sorts of things, lest they go unnoticed, unexperienced, or unexpressed.

So by default we see that which is materially in front of us and we have to actively attune ourselves to experience the unseen in life - be awake. 

But if proximity always wins - here is the greatest news of all. All that we see is outside of ourselves and all we feel is within. Don't get much closer than that! And if our hearts are wide open...we see what we must to grow. 

Love, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Illumination, Creativity... and all the other qualities of this nature are the stuff we are made of. It puts me at ease to acknowledge the imperceptibles are actually closer to me than than any person, place or thing. 

Yes, sometimes I am still the Ringmaster. I want control. "Full steam ahead!" I shout as I stubbornly hang on to an old way of seeing things. And that's what I usually get for my efforts --- a full head of steam! 

No, for this new life, which will be like none I have known before, I cannot create a detailed blueprint. I must get rid of the microscope and the binoculars and let my open heart "feel" the way forward.

So close and yet so far away. Kooky, that's how it appears to me. A universal practical joke. The more I inwardly engage, the less seeking I have to do outside myself.  I am Love. I am Joy. I am Harmony. Cannot get more instant than that - Mr. Coffee, Mr. Keurig, Mr. Microwave, Misters iPhone, Drive-Thru and Key Fob!

"The only thing that's capital-T True is that you get to decide how you're going to try to see it. You get to consciously decide what has meaning and what doesn't.... The trick is keeping the truth up-front in daily consciousness." ~ David Foster Wallace 

Does this make any sense?

Tag You're It!

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