Monday, April 13, 2015

We are all Storymakers

"...our endless capacity for storymaking winds us through our lives…" In Blue

Yes, it is true. Whatever we say it is it is…

Creating as I go along my own tale unfolds with caring parents who knew not what they did. And a hateful sister who grew to be my best friend on this earth. And a delightful playmate who frolicked with me for a time and then went where I could not follow. He went to another world and I remained here heartbroken and raw.

But my rawness collected things. My wet weeping wounds made my heart larger and caused another kind of break to occur. I broke from a hard scared smallness to a new kind of self. A self that reflects and records and creates - creates light in the light of great support and with great joy. I am not sure how the story will end, but I know I am it's author.

The facts, in our storymaking are negotiable. The Truths are not. The Truths go on being true whether we believe them or not. The non-negotiables are not meant to stymie or cripple us. They are our grounding. They allow us to fly!

So keep telling your story as best you can. Let it unfold cautiously or chaotically or whimsically - it is your call! It is always your call. Just remember that facts are not always Truths.

Does this make sense?

Tag You're It!

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