Monday, January 20, 2014

Collaborating with Doubt

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves..."  ~ Rilke 

In agreeing to Collaborate with what is, rather than combat it, I arrive at a warm and welcoming threshold. Even if 'what is' is uncomfortable.

Not sure why, but I have been working against myself. I confoundedly keep choosing to wade inside old patterns that no longer serve me. And what makes it SUPER silly is I am totally aware, but keep doing it anyway!

Feeling caught or trapped in this fixed behavior pattern made me doubt myself and all my recent so loftily intentions. Which in turn caused an uptick in confusion and a down tick of self confidence. So today my previously fabulous self is treading water in the deep end of all things unsure...again!

Some folks say this swing toward disorientation is normal before one experiences a breakthrough. I say doesn't matter what folks say. This feeling sucks!  

So what does a situation like this call for?

That's it! Questioning is in order...and lots of it!

If I can begin to honor my Doubt and stop judging it as something all together bad, Doubt can be liberated from a hazy destination to a new experience of a gracious invitation. If you allow it, Doubt begins the process of reflection. It is a call to form a meaningful question which is always a pointer towards a meaningful answer! 

Doubt is the threshold to your most sacred path of knowing.

To embrace Doubt is to honor ourselves and our own journey. And don't worry because "The Universe is so well balanced that the mere fact that you have a problem serves as a sign that there is a solution." Seems fitting that this quote is by Anonymous! 

How comfortable are you with uncertainty?

Tag! You're It!

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