Saturday, November 23, 2013

Like never before

Even though I am just a confused as ever, I am ready now to find right work. And I choose a project with soul in mind…one that directly conjures higher expansion.

I came across a term recently that grabbed my attention -  "The bardos." Bardo is a Tibetan word which literally means "in-between." and connotes the wisdom of uncertainty. It includes the 
transitional states of birth, death, dream, reincarnation or afterlife, meditation, and spiritual lightness of being. The term bardo can also be used metaphorically to describe times when our usual way of life becomes suspended. In the bardo I recognize myself.

What comes after the bardo?

Finding right work. 

Our work is a reflection of self, a means of loving ourselves and others, our place in the world. My work will both satisfy the very root of my being and be a tribute somehow to Michael and our life together. Whatever my intention for my life, I want my work to be both simple... and grand. 

But my vision is constrained. It is bound by context, experience and belief. Am I setting a trap for myself by aiming beyond what I can currently know? Or have I been living in a trap - in only that which appears to be attainable? 

What you see is what you get. I can see what is directly in front of me. I can see what I can conjure in my imagination. But from my transitional space as I aspire to higher expression, how can I CAUSE expansion of what I believe possible? 

My Opus awaits, my Love awaits, my next chapter awaits. I declare the cat out of the bag, the chips fallen, the dust settled, the chickens well roosted at home, the carpetbaggers welcome and fed, the clowns out of the car and my sweet lover kissed goodnight. 

What Truth do you declare for yourself?

Tag You're It!


  1. I think you can cause expansion of what you believe possible by taking one step at a time. No guarantees. Take a leap of faith. You never know where it will exactly lead, but that's part of the adventure!

    My truth that I'm declaring is to be kinder and more loving and accepting of myself in any given moment (workin' on that perfection thing!)
    To enjoy what delights me,
    Explore my creative abilities
    And share my experience and insights with those attuned to my vibration
    enough to understand and get it!
    So there! :)
    In other words to keep on with the art and art teaching thing in new and creatively inspired ways!
    Happy Leo moon Ms. Lioness!

  2. I want to come back to this be continued.
