Monday, March 2, 2015

Peace From Wanting

"Normally, the test of greatness in the arts is the ability to state deep feelings and perceptions simply, clearly, and well. Indeed, it may well be said that until a person can express a thought clearly and simply, he hasn't yet fully understood it himself.” ~ Swami Kriyananda, from the book 'Art as a Hidden Message' 

We are all artists because we are always creating. 

This is my own simple prayer...

"I want everything I have. 
I have all I need. 
This is my very own peace."

What words do you use to create peace within yourself?

Tag You're It!

1 comment:

  1. Affirmation "I am strong, I am safe, I am loved, I am radiant" said after you ground yourself with 3 deep nasal breaths and your eyes closed. Works like a charm. Nice blog post about this here:
