Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ready to be Powerful?

"Time and space are not conditions of existence, time and space is a model for thinking." ~albert einstein

Looking forward to a new and rich life! Looking backward toward a deep and abiding Love. I am doing this hokey-pokey dance lately and I wanted to take this moment to recognize the importance of both and their impotence as well.

Future thinking, when enlived by positive emotions is called "visioning" and is empowering. Ruminating on negative future events is power depleting and sets a drag on creation and well being. Neither is a great place to hang out for long. It is here we can make a choice.

Past glories and loves and hurts and sorrows are almost of no use at all; except in how we allow them to shape us today. Where do we begin and end our personal narratives? Our life stories always seem to fit neatly between seminal moments in time. 

Is your present lived from immutable memories of childhood angst or high school glory days? Should we live into our future from these frames we placed around these segments of living from so long ago? It is here we can make a choice.

What if time shifted direction in your mind and you could jumble up events to suit yourself? What would right NOW look like if it were unshackled from the past and determined only by your imagined future? It is here we can make a choice. It is only in the Now that the power of choice exists. 

Can you sense the power in this simple shift in thinking about the direction of time? 

Are you ready to own your power?

Tag! You're it!

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