Thursday, December 12, 2013

Good Work and Wonder

Woke up concerned with everyday life. The unperturbed flow of living. The feed the dog, pour milk on the cereal, kiss goodbye, go to work life. I love this life. I miss this life. I have gotten too used to living lopsided. Shoved side to side by wide capriciously swaying emotions, I am ready to assail this grief riddled mayhem for a more cooperative way of being. It is not so much that I am tired or that my broken heart is completely healed. I just miss regular-ness. 

How can I do this? Can I just chose to shift my intentions like that - like so much furniture in a room? Just move this attitude over there by the window so it gets more light. And get rid of that old wobbly chair that no longer serves? Heck ya!  

This morning I salute a thing called Wonder. It is that small surprise or regular happening that when you string enough of them together creates a joyful life. Today I recognize Wonder as sacred. This is a fine direction for a new-ish life.

The second directive from myself to myself is "No more Toiling." I will follow my intuition and let my emotions move freely without resistance.  "Feel Deal and Heal" is my motto! It is hard work but it is Good Work... which is nothing to do with Toiling. Good Work expands. Toil diminishes. Manifesting itself under the supervision of misery and sorrow Toil is never finished. Good Work has no such taskmasters. And Good Work is always completed.  Whether hard or easy, painful or fun, Good Work leaves you sated and transcendently satisfied with no regrets. 

Like yoga, Good Work stretches you a little each day until the old you is nothing like the you who awakes today. Changing small bits is best, but we don't always get a choice. A car spins out of control, there is a fall from a cliff, or we discover a fatal flaw in ourselves or others that makes it impossible to continue. Then it seems change descends upon us. 

The philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote, "Growth and change are hard. In fact the only thing harder is not growing or changing." 

However we arrive at change let's wave our flag high and proud. Daily we become more our selves when we agree to pay attention, have fun, let go, not toil, good work, feel pain, stretch and change.

Finally a hopeful post! I have been waiting a long time for one of these. I deserve one. You deserve one. We all deserve to roll around in the grass like happy puppies. No extra points for suffering. Life is pass fail. You will do what you are gonna do. Are you gonna do it well and joyfully or undercover in darkness and shame?

Look beyond the darkness for the light. I am ready to do more than be a survivor. I am ready to actually enjoy surviving. I am ready to live in Wonder. I wonder how Love will show up for me next? I wonder what new experience will stretch me today? I wonder where Abundance will spill into my life? I spend my day looking for answers to these wonder-filled questions!

What do you wonder?

Tag You're It!

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