Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Energy Work

"Even after all this time, the Sun never says to the Earth,"You owe me." Look what happens with a love like that, it lights up the whole sky." ~ Hafiz


Can you feel it inside you? It is always there, usually very subtle, but always there. I am feeling great gobs of it right now because big changes are happening all around me! 

Tuning into your own energy has got to be a good thing. Awareness of any kind is a good thing, but energy awareness is really a good thing.  It is not your mind. It is you in a purer form. It is one of the most subtle forms of communication. It is a very real, deep, and wordless thing. I was never taught this. It was not an option growing up. But I know it now and it helps to guide me.

Energy has no words, but it communicates just the same. When I tune in, sit quiet and still, I am practicing the art of feeling the flow of energy. A natural river inside me, it connects me to energy all around me. The more I consciously make time to practice, do energy awareness work, the easier it becomes. 

I am not going to say what it means or how it works or why it is, or where it comes from. It has no words - remember! But I have found that because of my work - my energy awareness work - when I am not practicing, just living my daily life, I pick up quicker on things important to me because I am so much more closer to the surface of my authentic life. I love this accessibility! I trust it. It grounds me. It informs me…all without words. 

Energy has become a silent place inside me that feels like home. For this ever deepening awareness of my own inner compass I am so grateful.

Could you use an artisanal compass personally crafted by time, energy, and awareness? Isn't this work worth doing?

Tag. You're It.

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