Friday, November 20, 2015

More Truth about Love

Perhaps you do not experience yourself this way, but my thoughts of you contain joy, wonder and adventure. These, of course, are my experiences. They come from me and you are not actually in them. But you reflect these feelings within me. And I like that!

And there is NO OBLIGATION for you to be anything other than who you believe yourself to be. You owe me nothing. My joy, my sense of wonder and my cultivation of adventure are mine alone. And in letting go of YOU I am somehow transformed and able to see this more clearly. 

This is the part that causes trouble. This is where many folks get tripped up because we believe our love resides in the other, is attached to the other, and depends on the other for us to feel it. And this gives rise to us holding back, hiding or being afraid.

I have experienced the opposite to be true. When I become transparent and vulnerable I am not losing anything. I will never be in danger as my feelings of love reside within me. Love is a choice. Love is my practice.

Being transparent and vulnerable is where the treasure is. This is where the growing happens. This is where we are each eachother's teacher and eachother's student. In it's purest form this is how LOVE works…in our own Joy, Compassion and Wholeness...without grasping, without attachment and without fear.

Oh, I know it ain't easy! It requires a lot of internal work and a real commitment to practice to get to these places of deep abiding Trust.

But I Trust this is the Truth. And I know you are my teacher in this. Thank you for showing me the day at a time.

Who teaches you stuff? And what have you learned today?

Tag, You're It!

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