"Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully.
"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit's clever."
"And he has Brain."
"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."
There was a long silence.
"I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never understands anything." ~a. a. milne, winnie-the-pooh
For a while now I had thought I knew enough to be a teacher. But now I realize the wealth is in the learning. I am ready to have beginner's mind again - to be curious and vitally alive and awake in my studies. I want to know more and I want to be taught. I am open and ready to receive more than I currently comprehend.
What am I studing? I am ready to learn more about Love. I want to know how big Love can get? I want to experience the length, depth and breadth of what Love is.
When I hold myself apart as a teacher I am less open. I am held back from feeling, I am singular and alone. There is a kind of sealing off when I think I know a subject so well.
Oh but if I am the student... how much more could I feel? How much richer the experience when I open myself up freely and willingly ready to expand past known limits!
Yes - I want to learn how big Love can get. And I want to know how to give Love as a gift and how to receive it the same way. I want to witness Love in all situations and I want to charm and cox Love out of places one does not ordinarily expect to find Love. I want to know how many different kinds of Love there are and to know thier names and identify how each one of them feels. I want to see Love and feel Love and taste Love and create Love and hear, live and be Love.
Yes - how wonderful to be a student again, to have my eyes and heart wide open searching in earnest for the truth of Love in all things.
Now to find my teachers...
In a subject you know very well, can you see the merits of beginner's mind?
Tag You're It!
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