Monday, May 29, 2017

Living in Liminality

"In anthropology, liminality (from the Latin word līmen, meaning "a threshold") is the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of rituals, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the ritual is complete. During a ritual's liminal stage, participants "stand at the threshold" between their previous way of structuring their identity, time, or community, and a new way..." ~wikipedia

Wondering if just plain living day-to-day is it's own ritual? And wondering when the ritual day-to-day is interrupted why we panic and how do we cope? And mostly wondering why this type of disruption is not more coveted?

I just sold my home and moved in with a friend for a while. My friend has been uber accommodating and the living is easy. But still there lies within me this definite feeling of being at a threshold betwixt and between common hours - to obliquely reference Mr. Thoreau. 

I am living in liminality. And no matter how comfortable my new digs are, living in liminality holds by it's very nature discomfort or at least some disorientation. And who likes being there? That was the case until I recognized more deeply the gifts of the LIMINAL. 

Within liminal time and space there is a breaking away from a regular ritualized pattern that is some how encouraging. This intermezzo between my sorrowful past and the adventure of an unknown future is giving birth to a more waked up form of myself! 

I am no longer striving. I am now arriving. I am, I do, I have. I am choosing to not fill in these blanks with anything that has come before. I am seeing "everything anew." My expectations are unbridled as I embody THE PRESENT as a threshold adorned. 

What's wrong with change? What's wrong with newness? What's right with waking up sleepyhead

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Friday, May 19, 2017

Loss of Illusions

"There is a diamond lying on the road; the arrow is released from the bow. Now the awareness is not within you, now the awareness moves and, reaching the diamond, pierces its heart. Now your awareness is with the diamond and no longer within you. Now the awareness is somewhere else. So all the arrows of your awareness have reached out and pierced somewhere else – and somewhere else, and somewhere else. You have no awareness within you any more, it is always going out. An arrow can only go in one direction but awareness can be bi-directional – and when that happens, the witness is experienced. The arrow of awareness can go in both directions; it can be two-edged.
When your awareness is drawn somewhere, if you can manage only this much, then one day the witness will happen within you. When your attention is drawn outside – say a beautiful young woman passed by or a beautiful young man passed by, your awareness was caught there and now you have completely forgotten yourself, the awareness is no longer within. Now you are not conscious, now you have become unconscious because your consciousness has traveled to someone else, now your consciousness has become the shadow of that person or object – now you are no longer conscious.
Now, if you can do this one thing: you saw someone beautiful; your awareness was drawn there. If in that same moment you can be aware of the bow within from where this arrow has been shot, if you can simultaneously see them both – the source from where the awareness is shooting forth and the object where awareness is going to – if they can both come into your attention simultaneously, then you will experience for the first time what is meant by the witness. From where the awareness is arising, from where the awareness is shooting away – that source has to be found." ~Osho

I awoke today amongst a high tide of stubborn seriousness. It overtook my dog's wagging tail and the sky lit tangerine pink by a rising sun. Foreshadowing some scant tears making their way to the corners of my eyes, this heavy thing blanketed me here in bed between sleeping and waking up?

What is this? Why is it here? 

Ooooh...I remember! There was that conversation I had with a friend yesterday where I was seeking to know something. And my friend confirmed for me, "Sure you could have that - it is easy! Just ask to see the Truth of things." 

Her wholehearted confidence was all I needed and so I  demanded out loud to "see clearly those things I am refusing to look at!" I wanted this so I could move on. I wanted this because I knew IF I could get to that place and uncover the "dark stuff" of my soul, I would be able to whoosh right into the flow of things and be a girl even more unencumbered, more unlimited, and absolutely more free!  

So here I am this A.M., apparently being given my wish. Now it is my job to simply sit with these tears and woeful feelings and give them full access to the surface of my being. Then, within seconds, I understood - I am grieving the loss of my illusions. 

I am recognizing the falsehoods I have been telling myself about my unworthiness, my small identity as a wounded widow, and a trustworthy world of conditions that will NEVER be stable enough to ground this amazing new life of mine. I am saying goodbye to the comfortable shelter of these false beliefs and grieving a familiar architecture under which I am no longer willing to live. 

Do I understand how all these old boundaries, rules, and regulations will drop away?


But I do understand they will do just that once I allow it! That is the cool thing about our work here in the non-physical. There is no actual physical effort required. But we must learn to become better at doing the internal stuff. This is where our best lives are hatched and unfolded from.

Is there some dream of a better "something" you want to create? 

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Monday, April 17, 2017

Spiritual Partnership

"Spiritual partnerships are the most fulfilling, substantive, and deep relationships possible. They are relationships between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth. ... No matter who the spiritual partner or spiritual partners are, the spiritual partnership operates the same way." ~Gary Zukav

I have been waiting for directions for my new life. Something less complex than those you get with birth control pills. But something more easily reckoned than the confusing pictograph directions you get with cheapo furniture made in Central Asia. 

Arthur Murray comes to mind. 

I would like some simple footsteps painted in a high contrasting color so I can easily see them. I don’t have to know the whole dance I just want to know what my next step is. And I would like a partner. That way I could keep my head up instead of looking at my feet all the time!

But not just any partner, I really really really really want a partner who as ready as I am for the most fulfilling, substantive, and deep relationship of their life. I want a Spiritual Partnership.

Let's get ready to R-U-M-B-L-E Universe!

What do you really (x 4)  want?

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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Envision Forward

"There is a way of breathing that's a shame and a suffocation and there's another way of breathing, a love breath that lets you open to the infinite."

I spent the day at a Vision Board Workshop. This is a yearly ritual which surprisingly has become a touchstone. Each year we choose a word to act like a compass as we wind our way toward a future to which we feel called. Then we cut, arrange, and paste images, along with our word and a photo of ourselves, on to a board. This collage making is intuitive play; it is not pre-planned. It is not work, but I am always wiped out when I finish. Seems conjuring up an entire year in advance takes a lot of focused energy. But the exhaustion I feel is always preceded by an amazing feeling of joy, surprise, and exhilaration, the high of which lingers on for at least a day or two!

2013: ADROIT. My first word. I chose it because six months earlier my husband had died. I was still plenty raw and broken, but had begun to wake from the numbing inertia of the newly bereaved. Up until then, there was like this protective bubble surrounding me, keeping me from being consciously aware of the deep and profound waves of pain surging through my being. I recall feeling all the pain, but I wasn't very present with it - THANK GOD!!!!
I wanted so much to become proficient in the many things I used to hand off to my husband. My word gave me focus and helped me inch my way forward into a daily life I knew nothing about.

2014:ALLOWING. In 2014 I had begun to write and to paint. And I had begun to be very present with the pain. Looking at it's shape, it's many colors, and it's heft helped me become a witness (a survival tactic perhaps) which seemed naturally healing, organic, and well timed. As a witness, I noticed the things I refused hung out longer and hurt more than the things I accepted and allowed. So with the help of my word, I found myself allowing "the all" of things to come and go more freely. This was incredibly healing. And I was, I must add, helped greatly by my dearest friends inviting me to join them in the UK. I was not interested in going at first. I did not feel like traveling. It was my word that helped me say "YES." Allowing allowed to me to transform.

2015: BROADCAST. By 2015, I was learning so much and I wanted these experiences to be useful, I wanted to serve. This was the year I passionately worked to fling my words and pictures out into the world. I held a powerful vision that these seedlings might miraculously 
one day take root.

2016: CREATE  I had no choice. I was going to have to move. This was not an external fact of life, but a deep welling up from inside. Moving not just from one home to another, but moving into a life completely beyond any I had known before. My word helped me to begin deliberately creating. And I can report this last year has flown by with a new car, a new home, new convictions, new friends, and new joys all blasting into existence.

And this year... I am ready for release. 

I am ready to let go of the heaviness that has anchored me in place. I am ready to let go of being an authority on grief. I am expecting to see again with the eyes of a child and to use beginner's mind to experience ecstatic joys, to witness blossoming everywhere, and to release attachment to all. I look forward to adventure, experimentation, and taking a risk or two. Do you think some of my seeds are germinating? 


Do you have a word for this new year?

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