Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Excited by Abundance

"It's opener there, in the wide open air." ~Dr. Seuss

When I ruminate on how many possibilities exist for this day or this life - my senses are no longer dulled. The longer I sit and quietly embody POSSIBILITY the more I cannot wait to see how this life will unfold. 

The vastness of trust that "all truly is well" wells up inside of me, makes my body tingle with excitement, and I have not even moved a muscle! 

I am vibrating forward from a NOW I am happy to KNOW. And I am moving easily toward a place I know I must go...

...wherever that may be.

What excites you?
Tag! You're It!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

With Disorder Comes Grace

Strength comes from struggle. 
When you learn to see your struggles as opportunities to become stronger, better, wiser, then your thinking shifts from "I can't do this" too "I must do this."
~toni sorenson

I am seeing ahead of me another tumultuous time of change in this life of mine. "Tumult" is defined as "a time of confusion or disorder." And as I am more certain than ever that this is of my own making... here is what I am learning about tumult.

One can survive well and move with ease and with joy during tumultuous times.

Old friends are indispensable during tumultuous circumstances.

New friends abound during a tumultuous time. But you have to allow this.

It is not only possible for love to expand exponentially during tumultuous times, it is very often probable.  

Extra body/self care is needed, no matter how well you are supported through your own times of disorder because tumult is physically exhausting.

A tumultuous event may occur over a period of time or only within an instant. Either way, it's ripples will always be felt flowing outward as it dissolves. So becoming more kind and patient are the constant gifts of a tumult as it moves toward completion. The question is will you accept these gifts into your life?

And lastly, I have learned that within the greater scheme of things these times of confusion or disorder are only momentary and the larger Truth is All is Well.

So these are my new rules of engagement as I sit here amongst the growing manifestation I called into being - which appears as disorder, but I KNOW IS REALLY IN DIVINE RIGHT ORDER.

How do you handle confusion and disorder?

Tag! You're It!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Creating Freedom

"The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It cannot be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth." ~ram dass

I am involved in Trusting. 

This idea, Trusting that things are unfolding for the highest good of myself and others, requires my active participation. Especially when my thoughts and feelings start to try and bend my attention in another direction.

Trusting is a practice. Trust requires a willingness to open my heart wider. Trust requires letting go of the past and of judgments. Trust requires a deeper look into circumstances that arise, at my own inner workings, and my perceptions about it all. Trust requires questioning what is really True. Do these ideas, or Trust for that matter, create great difficulty for you?

If you grew up, like me, in an environment that pushed more toward chaos than order, or if you have had the very human experience of being greatly disappointed - Trust may be the very last thing with which you are willing to be involved! 

But what if, instead of creeping slowly toward a small amount of maybe trusting again, you started with a big fat notion of TRUST? Not a naive blanket of trust in all people. But a larger Trust - part of a larger vision - that the Wheel of Fortune spins in just one direction.  And that direction is entirely in your favor. What if you leaned into the idea of looking for the smallest kernel of a lesson in a disruptive, disquieting, or painful situation as an active choice? This is the way it started for me. 

Somewhere between the totally unexpected death of my husband and the healing of my wounded heart I decided to refute what appeared to be happening and began to hold space for the idea that all experiences had one single purpose - to help me grow in awareness.

And with each successive experiment in active-say-it-out-loud-to-remind-myself-to-do-it-Trusting I created "nowness and newness." And from that came aha moments and loads of gratitude. I hope these words offer some guidance so others do not have to rely on personal trauma or loss to get to these places within. 

I hope a path can begin to be struck where it is OK to let go of what is familiar. I hope you too can begin to embolden the curious child inside - the one that wonders about things instead of judging them. 

As I become more of a witness to events rather than the center of them I find my perceptions stretching farther than ever before into unknown territory. This is where I unhitch the trailer of my past and find freedom to move more freely forward.

Mine eyes are opener as my heart claims a bigger role in seeing what I am experiencing. And this in turn is transforming my world. 

I am not great at this all the time. But leaning into and learning to Trust has given me a way to negotiate life's ups and downs with more steadiness, confidence, and grace. Strange as it may sound - I feel more grounded and connected to the world and my place in it by letting go and Trusting that "All is truly well."

I am not sure about the specific ramifications of how getting involved with Trust might serve you. It is a huge issue for so many people. But I am sure it is worth doing the work!

Since I have begun to play with these ideas in my own life, organically in my own way, I am amazed at the surprising outcomes life is actually able to provide me! And I TRUST life still has much to offer you as well...

What are thoughts around Trust?

Tag! You're It!